python 扫雷(python自动扫雷算法)

python 扫雷(python自动扫雷算法)

百科常识打吡咯2022-07-05 1:09:3563A+A-

' class_name='TMain' title_name='扫雷仲裁者'

ms_arbiter.exe的主窗体类别为" TMain "


hwnd=win32gui .FindWindow(class_name,title_name) if hwnd: left,top,right,bottom=win32gui .GetWindowRect(hwnd)


left=15 top=101 right-=15 bottom-=43 rect=(left,top,right,bottom) img=ImageGrab.grab().作物(矩形)

def generate_kernel(k,k_width,k_height,block_location): ls=[] loc_x,loc_y=block_location[0],block _ location[1]for now _ y in range(k _ height): for now _ x in range(k _ width): if k[now _ y][now _ x]: rel _ x,rel_y

ass="hljs-string">= now_x - 1, now_y - 1 ls.append((loc_y + rel_y, loc_x + rel_x)) return ls kernel_width, kernel_height = 3, 3 # Kernel mode:[Row][Col] kernel = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]] # Left border if x == 0: for i in range(kernel_height): kernel[i][0] = 0 # Right border if x == self.blocks_x - 1: for i in range(kernel_height): kernel[i][kernel_width - 1] = 0 # Top border if y == 0: for i in range(kernel_width): kernel[0][i] = 0 # Bottom border if y == self.blocks_y - 1: for i in range(kernel_width): kernel[kernel_height - 1][i] = 0 # Generate the search map to_visit = generate_kernel(kernel, kernel_width, kernel_height, location)

# Analyze the number of blocks self.iterate_blocks_image(BoomMine.analyze_block) # Mark all mines self.iterate_blocks_number(BoomMine.detect_mine) # Calculate where to click self.iterate_blocks_number(BoomMine.detect_to_click_block) if self.is_in_form(mouseOperation.get_mouse_point()): for to_click in self.next_steps: on_screen_location = self.rel_loc_to_real(to_click) mouseOperation.mouse_move(on_screen_location[0], on_screen_location[1]) mouseOperation.mouse_click()


之后笔者做的工作就是判断当前鼠标位置是否在棋盘之内,如果是,就会自动开始识别并且点击。具体的点击部分,笔者采用了作者为”wp”的一份代码(从互联网搜集而得),里面实现了基于win32api的窗体消息发送工作,进而完成了鼠标移动和点击的操作。具体实现封装在mouseOperation.py中,有兴趣可以在文末的Github Repo中查看。


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