急!求~有关传统节日和饮食健康的英语课件PPT 要适合高中生的

急!求~有关传统节日和饮食健康的英语课件PPT 要适合高中生的

健康|养生彩彩2024-02-22 5:06:48334A+A-


, has eating disorders (饮食习惯异常). She is considered to be strange by her schoolmates. Another girl called

We are able to live longer 21ST 人类长寿不再只是梦想,答案可能就在于基因和日常的饮食习惯。 TO live forever was the dream of many emperors in ancient China. People were ordered to call them Wansui, which means 10,000 years ……

Think before you eat 21ST 十大不良饮食习惯大曝光,且看健康专家为你细说饮食误区。YOU are what you eat so maybe it's time you started eating sensibly. Experts at the first Chinese Students Nutrition and Health Festival ……

the day, for instance, rather than a single large serving, may help explain the finding. P8(他们推测,不同种族在奶制品消费或饮食习惯 ……

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