

生活|情感打吡咯2022-04-23 10:01:5773A+A-



m: int

n: int

k: int

型号: int


game_space: list[list[int或str]]

def __init__(self,m: int,n: int,k: int,mode: int):



:参数m: m行,m=8

:参数n: n列,n=8

:参数k: k个雷,10=k=m*n*0.3

:参数模式: 0:手动模式,1:全自动模式2:半自动模式












如果10=k=m * n * 0.3:




打印(' k错误!')


if mod

e in (0, 1, 2): self.mode = mode else: print("Mode Error!") exit(0) # 生成区域 self.game_space = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(m)] print("game_space create success!") # 随机雷的位置 i = 0 while i < self.k: a = random.randint(0, m - 1) b = random.randint(0, n - 1) if self.game_space[a][b] != '*': i += 1 # 产生数据 self.game_space[a][b] = '*' c = [-1, 0, 1] for x in c: if 0 <= a + x < m: for y in c: if 0 <= b + y < n: if self.game_space[a + x][b + y] != '*': self.game_space[a + x][b + y] += 1 # 调用游戏进程 self.game_window() def game_window(self): show_list = [['■' for _ in range(self.n)] for _ in range(self.m)] text = '' while True: # 输出画面 for i in range(10): print() print(text) print("+++" * self.n, end='+\n') print(' │ ', end='') for k in range(1, self.n + 1): print('%d' % (k % 10), end=' ') print('\n─┼─', end='') print('───' * (self.n - 1), end='─\n') k = 1 for i in range(self.m): print(k, end='│ ') for j in range(self.n): print(show_list[i][j], end=' ') print() k = (k + 1) % 10 if text == 'Game Over!': exit(0) text = '' # 检测是否结束 row = self.m for i in show_list: if '■' not in i: row -= 1 if row == 0: print('Victory!') exit(1) # 输入坐标及操作 if self.mode == 0: a, b, c = self.input_set() else: a, b, c = self.automatic_input(show_list) # 进行处理 if c == 0: if self.flag > 0: if show_list[a][b] == '■': show_list[a][b] = '□' self.flag -= 1 elif show_list[a][b] == '□': show_list[a][b] = '■' self.flag += 1 else: text = 'Error! Is number' else: text = 'Error! No flag' elif c == 1: if show_list[a][b] == '■': if self.game_space[a][b] == '*': show_list[a][b] = '*' text = 'Game Over!' elif self.game_space[a][b] == 0: show_list[a][b] = self.game_space[a][b] self.look_zero(a, b, show_list) else: show_list[a][b] = self.game_space[a][b] else: text = 'Error! No Click' elif c == 2: if show_list[a][b] == '■': show_list[a][b] = '?' elif show_list[a][b] == '?': show_list[a][b] = '■' else: text = 'Error! Open' def look_zero(self, a: int, b: int, show_list): for i in range(a - 1, a + 2): for j in range(b - 1, b + 2): if 0 <= i < self.m and 0 <= j < self.n: if show_list[i][j] == '■': if self.game_space[i][j] == 0: show_list[i][j] = 0 self.look_zero(i, j, show_list) else: show_list[i][j] = self.game_space[i][j] def input_set(self): a = int(input("输入行:")) b = int(input("输入列:")) c = int(input("操作(0:插旗; 1:点击; 2:标记):")) if not (0 < a <= self.m and 0 < b <= self.n and c in (0, 1, 2)): a, b, c = self.input_set() a += 1 b += 1 return a - 1, b - 1, c def automatic_input(self, show_list: list[list] ): """ 自动化方法 :param show_list: :return:a,b,c """ if self.coordinate_list: a = self.coordinate_list.pop() print("选定位置【%d, %d】, 操作为:%d" % (a[0] + 1, a[1] + 1, a[2])) # time.sleep(0.5) return a[0], a[1], a[2] for i in range(self.m): for j in range(self.n): if type(show_list[i][j]) is not str and show_list[i][j] > 0: z = show_list[i][j] for x in range(i - 1, i + 2): for y in range(j - 1, j + 2): if 0 <= x < self.m and 0 <= y < self.n: if show_list[x][y] == '□': z -= 1 elif show_list[x][y] == '■': self.coordinate_list.append([x, y]) if z == 0: for p in range(len(self.coordinate_list)): self.coordinate_list[p].append(1) elif z == len(self.coordinate_list): for p in range(len(self.coordinate_list)): self.coordinate_list[p].append(0) else: self.coordinate_list.clear() if self.coordinate_list: a = self.coordinate_list.pop() print("选定位置【%d, %d】, 操作为:%d" % (a[0] + 1, a[1] + 1, a[2])) # time.sleep(0.5) return a[0], a[1], a[2] # 进入高级计算 print("调用高级计算处理,请等候...") self.advanced_automatic_input(show_list) if self.coordinate_list: print("计算完成!生成操作:") for mmm in self.coordinate_list: print("\t坐标【%d,%d】,操作:%d" % (mmm[0] + 1, mmm[1] + 1, mmm[2])) print("========================") a = self.coordinate_list.pop() print("选定位置【%d, %d】, 操作为:%d" % (a[0] + 1, a[1] + 1, a[2])) # time.sleep(0.5) return a[0], a[1], a[2] # 无法确定,随机选择位置 elif self.mode == 1: a = random.randint(0, self.m - 1) b = random.randint(0, self.n - 1) while show_list[a][b] != '■': a = random.randint(0, self.m - 1) b = random.randint(0, self.n - 1) else: print("无法确定位置,随机选择【%d, %d】点开" % (a + 1, b + 1)) # time.sleep(2) return a, b, 1 else: print("无法确定位置,请手动输入。 提示:还有【%d】个" % self.flag) return self.input_set() def advanced_automatic_input(self, show_list: list[list] ): processed_list = [] set_dic = dict() for i in show_list: processed_list.append(i.copy()) # 初步处理 for i in range(self.m): for j in range(self.n): if type(processed_list[i][j]) is int and processed_list[i][j] > 0: c = set() for p in range(i - 1, i + 2): for q in range(j - 1, j + 2): if 0 <= p < self.m and 0 <= q < self.n: if processed_list[p][q] == '□': processed_list[i][j] -= 1 elif processed_list[p][q] == '■': c.add((p, q)) if c: set_dic[tuple(c)] = processed_list[i][j] # 寻找子集 key_list = list(set_dic.keys()) for i in range(len(key_list)): for j in range(i + 1, len(key_list)): if len(key_list[i]) < len(key_list[j]): p = i q = j elif len(key_list[i]) > len(key_list[j]): p = j q = i else: continue if set(key_list[p]).issubset(set(key_list[q])): d = list(set(key_list[q]) - set(key_list[p])) if set_dic[key_list[q]] - set_dic[key_list[p]] == 0: for k in d: e = list(k) e.append(1) self.coordinate_list.append(e) elif set_dic[key_list[q]] - set_dic[key_list[p]] == len(d): for k in d: e = list(k) e.append(0) self.coordinate_list.append(e) # 传参【 m行,n列, k个雷, mode:0、手动; 1、全自动; 2、半自动】,可自定义 # 简单 8 8 10 # 一般 16 16 40 # 困难 16 32 99 game = SaoLei(16, 32, 99, 2)

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